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Published on Jan 31, 2024

So, you're living in Seattle, and you've decided it's time to beef up your home security by swapping out your door locks. Maybe you've watched one too many of those true crime documentaries, or perhaps your neighbor's teenage son figured out how to pick your lock with a paperclip. Either way, you're ready for an upgrade.

Choosing Your New Locks: Like Picking a New Phone

Choosing a new door lock is like deciding on a new smartphone. You've got a ton of options, some with features you never knew you needed. Do you go with the classic key lock, a keypad entry, or one of those fancy biometric locks that make you feel like James Bond every time you come home? Just remember, the more complicated the lock, the more likely you are to get locked out trying to remember your own fingerprint in the rain.

DIY or Call a Pro: A Battle of Wills

Now, you've got to decide: DIY or call a professional? If you're the type who considers assembling IKEA furniture a personal challenge, then by all means, grab your drill. But if the mere thought of taking apart your door lock makes you sweat, maybe it's time to call in a pro. Remember, there's no shame in admitting defeat by door lock. It's a rite of passage in the homeowner's handbook.

The Great Swap-Out: A Tale of Triumph and Tragedy

So, you've chosen your path. If you're going DIY, let me paint you a picture: It's Saturday morning, you've got your new lock, and you're ready to tackle the day. Cut to three hours later, and you're sitting on your porch, locked out, waiting for a locksmith because you've accidentally installed your new high-security lock backwards. It's okay, we've all been there. Well, maybe not there, but we've all had our moments.

Maintaining Your Locks: Like Keeping a Plant Alive

Once your new lock is installed correctly, and you've managed to not lock yourself out in the process, maintaining it is key. It's like having a house plant. You don't just water it once and call it a day. No, you've got to check in on it, make sure it's not getting jammed up, and occasionally give it some love with lubricant. Not too much, though; you don't want it sliding open at a breeze.

If you're in Seattle and thinking about swapping out your locks but want to avoid the whole "locked out on your porch in your pajamas" scenario, give Handyman Services NW a call. We can help you enhance your home security without any of the drama. Plus, we promise not to judge your lock-picking skills.


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